How to add PayPal account in Hubpages

Hi all today i am going discuss the topic about how to add PayPal account with Hubpages.Everybody looking for getting money from hubpage.The Hubpages team that want original content,if the user is copy and paste the contents from another websites or other media the hubpages team will know that this topic is copy from other website or other media.The Huppages Team want unique content,try a unique approach when writing about a common topic. The long articles consisting of appr. 1200 words or more tend to perform well in search engines. Most it is likely this is due to the fact that an article consisting of 1500 words on a specific unique topic contains more valuable information than an article with 500 words. At least in the eyes of the search engines.
Add PayPal Account with HubPages
Step 1: Login your hubpages
Step 2: Then click on Your Hubs in left side.
Step 3: In this page we can see that Hubs,Earning ,Q&A,Profile,Photo,Activity,Following,Videos.
Click on Earning
Step 4 : We can see that Settting may be by default setting page is coming.
HubPages Earnings Program Settings
External Affiliate Settings
Reporting Settings
Payment Settings

Click on get started
Step 5:
Then they are asking 3 Secure Question.Please select the question and answer of three question.
Step 6: If you have already Paypal Account then click on Asscoiate My PayPal Account ,and login the PayPal Account.
Otherwise,if you don’t have PayPal account,Select the check box NO and create new PayPal account